Saturday 13 June 2015

More inspiration from my sister's house

No finished product to show today, just something I'm working on. The picture below shows a beautiful piece my sister has hanging over her fireplace.  I was intrigued by the design and took a picture of it, thinking I might like to try to duplicate it as a feature on a card in the future.  The picture above is my second attempt at trying to duplicate it. Still not quite happy with it yet.

 The picture below is my first attempt at duplicating it. Almost quit trying because it turned out so bad, but I decided to try again and the second attempt is much better than the first.

For both of these attempts I used a Stampin' Write Marker and stamps from the Perpetual Birthday Calendar stamp set.

These stamps actually have a lot going on in each stamp but I masked off part of each stamp so that I could stamp just one image for each stamp.

I'm away from my stamping supplies for the weekend so I'm not going to get to try it again until I get home. I've also had trouble connecting to the internet here so I missed posting last night. Hopefully it won't be too long before I get to try it again and finally feature it in a card.


  1. I am going to take my camera to other people's homes and start looking for inspiration... you come up with such neat ideas!

    1. LOL! You'll probably get funny looks and questions, but it is fun. :-)
